I have a single entry schengen visa and I am currently in Netherlands. I plan to drive to Paris for weekend.
1) Will I be able to enter Paris on that single entry visa? I guess both are schengen countries so should be ok
2) Will I be able to enter back to Netherlands from Paris?
Google it but you should be ok! France, Belgium and Netherlands are all in the %26quot;espace Shengen%26quot;.
There are no border controls for land travel between Netherlands and France.
There are also no border controls between any Schengen countires if you use planes.
So for your case there will be ne problem.
Yes to both questions
Which passport do you have?? and where was the schengan issued??
you are supposed to go to the host country first(the one that issued the schengan) and then you can go to any other schengan countries without going back to your original country.
I too have just got a single entry Schengan for my daughter and it is somewhat restricting for us.
hope this helps
regards fj
Well I have a Pakistani Passport, the country issuing schengen visa (single entry) was the Netherlands and I first entered Netherlands. Now there is weekend fast approaching and a good opportunity to drive to Paris and then come back. I actually drove to Belgium yesterday and there was no border control. So had no problems. I just wanted to be sure before booking hotels that I wont have any problems going to Paris and coming back to Netherlands.
Based on the replies I have heard and talking to colleagues here, there is no apparent issue.
Best of Luck to you !!
You will have no problems
Have a great trip and thanzx too
You are absolutely fine. That was the whole idea of Schengen: to treat the, err.. I am not quite sure since it evolves all the time, 15? 20? signatory countries as one. Now that you are in the Netherlands, as long as your visa is valid, you can go to Italy, Iceland... and Paris of course!
Actually, just to be nerdy, I looked it up: it%26#39;s 25 Schengen countries. THe 27 EU ones minus UK, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus; plus Switzerland, Iceland, Norway. I am sure everyone feels relieved now!
Thanks for the info...I made the trip, no border controls..no problems going to paris or coming back to netherlands....needless to say paris was beautiful and the trip is going to be memorable...Thank you all for the quick responses, they helped me a lot....Next trip is Italy, Milan in mid July....now I can even plan a month ahead :)
Glad you had a good time
regards fj
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