We came to paris after almost 15 years away. Our trip was short and we were looking to get both a great experience have some great values.
Upon arriving - our flight came in at 6:30 am - but by the time we left the airport it was full rush hour. Took 40 min to get into paris. So here is the interesting thing. By meter into the Marais - the cost was 47 E - cheaper than a shuttle pickup at that hour for a family of 3. I would advise those thinking about the shuttle to do their homework.
we stayed in the Republic just 2 min north of the Marais on 3 subway lines in a wonderful hotel apartment call Citadine...%26lt; $150 US for a 1 bedroom, (double bed and 2 twin day beds). 2 full rooms, kitchen, separate bathroom toliet and tub....I would highly recommend this hotel and this area...it is the 11th district but super easy to navigate...great restaurants, food shops and an amazing morning market. Clean, modern and very nice...
We spent our days in different areas...went on the bauteaux mouches...it was a lovely start. Eiffel tower, louve, notre dame, 2-3 major areas...no art museums this time...we wanted to soak up the city saw a few markets which were lovely....shopped a bit. The markets are a great experience. The marais, place des voges is also wonderful...
took subway everywhere...
Dinners were mostly in the Republic or Bastille area...chez Justine is very cool, inexpensive, but great...food shops were amazing and it is so convenient having a kitchen for pate and wine. Did not obsess about where to eat..there were 3-4 great bistros reccommended to us in almost every area.
tourist watch out. if you are eating or drinking near any main attration learn how to say carafe d%26#39;leau (pitcher of water) one bottled water cost 7 E. We also asked for house wine and they gave us a white chardonnay (not house) for 8 E...the menu had a glass for 3 E . This was only one time...and we did not complain. We just drank our expensive 3 drinks (cost us as much as lunch) and left with no tip.
food experience...the macaroons and lemon tarts....and the yogurt. french make it best
Longchamp...cheaper at the airport. Get it on the way back home in duty free. many experts responded to this saying to go to gallerie lafayette...that was the most expensive for the same bag.
Soaps and lavender. Buy at the street market. they will package it up for you. One market even had brand name italian shoes...well heeled french women were buying 3-4 at a time...30-50 E retailing over 100E
Wine....try the rose it is so french and lovely this time of year.
We tried to %26quot;get lost in paris%26quot; vs do a lot of touristy things....and loved it
Bon Voyage!
sounds like you had a great time,, thanks for reporting back. . I will add, that leaving no tip was no big deal,, the most you tip is to round up unless service is excellant and you are somehwere fancy.. a euro or two max is normal in most cases,, ( although for fancy smancy places I would leave 5 or 10 )
You did enjoy one art museum it seems,, the Louvre!
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