Friday, March 23, 2012

conflicting advice!

I hear get to Versaille before it opens and I hear get to Versailles after 2 pm.....I go on a Wednesday with a Musee Pass...any more thoughts?


They%26#39;re not really conflicting pieces of advice... You want to get there ahead of the buses or after they%26#39;re mostly finished with their tours... Thus 10am-1pm is the pits. (I think this is true at tourist attractions here at home too).



I would go early. Try to get in line for the chateau very early, beat the crowds (otherwise it%26#39;s like cattle going through all the rooms) and then you will have the rest of the morning to spend in the gardens and have lunch. You can get back to Paris in time to fit in more things too.



I agree. I%26#39;d go early too. It%26#39;s a zoo. Happy Travels!


rasafa - I hope you don%26#39;t mind if I ask a question in your thread!

I have also recieved advice similar to this, and was thinking of going later and coming back to Paris in time to be at the Eiffel Tower around dusk. Do others think this is a good idea also?

Hmmm, maybe we should try to go early and just spend the afternoon lazing about the gardens - a picnic lunch does sound quite nice!


my brother just left paris and he reminded me that since the nights run late there, it is okay to go to Versailles later in the day after the crowds. I think I%26#39;ll playit by here based on my jetlag and the kids. Seems like a win-win for ealry morning versus after 2pm.


The tour companies offer excursions to Chateau Versailles every day - full day tours and half day tours. The morning and day tours all arrive at opening time.

Two of the largest, Cityrama and Paris Vision, offer afternoon tours leaving Paris at 1:15PM (minivans) and 2:00PM (coaches), arriving around 1/2 hour later.

For lesser crowds in the Palace, you may want to consider getting there no later than Noon, between 1/2 day tours and while the all day tours and independent visitors are having lunch.


this is one of Europe%26#39;s more crowded venues -- but over the years we have found that MANY people think they can beat crowds so show up early -- hence major attractions have huge early morning crowds

we often do better later in the afternoon

I think I%26#39;d give 2 pm a try and plan to hang in the gardens in the afternoon

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