Friday, March 23, 2012

chocolate stores that can't be missed

I am an absolute chocolate fanatic. I want to be sure to eat as much wonderful choclate that I can during my week in Paris as possible. I would so appreciate any recommendations within Paris proper.


See this: ……


I%26#39;ve always thought the most beautiful chocolate store is the original Maison du Chocolat at 225 r. Faubourg St. Honoré (not to be confused with r. St. Honoré. It smells great too.


I still really like Michel Chaudun, on rue de l%26#39;Universite a couple of blocks down from the Petrossian shop.


La Charlotte de I%26#39;Isle at 24, rue Saint-Louis-en-I-Isle gets my vote.

The Hot chocolate is like drinking liquid gold.


What kind of chocolate do you like?

For the best chocolate sorbet, Le Bac a Glace on the rue du Bac

Chocolate cake-like thing, Le Pleinitude by Pierre Herme on Bonaparte in the 6th

Chocolate caramels - Debauve et Gallais on St Peres in the 7th

Chocolate truffles - Jean Charles Rochoux on Assas in the 6th (he also makes the tablette du jour every Sat, a fresh fruit chocolate bar that is remarkable.

Chocolate bars - I have a hard time, there is a guy Pralus who makes amazing bars and is my fetish of the moment. He is near Les Halles.

Box of chocolates - Jacques Genin on Charbon just off the place de la Republique. Truly amazing. And his mango, passion fruit caramels... revolutionary.

Chocolate eclair - La Maison du Chocolat


Go to Barnes %26amp; Noble and take a look at the list in the back of David Lebovitz%26#39;s Book of Chocolate. He%26#39;s a former Chez Panisse pastry chef living in Paris who leads chocolate tours. His new book %26quot;Living the Sweet Life in Paris%26quot; has a great chapter about when he stagier%26#39;ed (apprenticed) at a major shop, with a name I cant recall... Something Roger, maybe?

his web site - will also have ideas - he just lead a tour and there%26#39;s probably detail in the blog

On my last trip, I visited some of the places in the chocolate book - and was thrilled! Christian Constant on Rue L%26#39;Assas has the most amazing exotic spice filled chocolates - like ginger, lemongrass, etc. And, great hot chocolate. Pierre Herme and Gerard Mulot were some of my other favorites.


Les Chocolates Rive Gauche on Rue Dauphine in the 6th...a very small shop where the propietor makes his own chocolates...I thought his chocolates were the best I%26#39;ve ever had. Fresh, simple, pure flavors at a good price. The owner has limited English, he was a bit reserved until we told him (sincerely) in our limited French how wonderful is chocolates were. He may have had a minimum of 5 or 6 pieces (what a sacrifice!)


Check out RichArt chocolates - it%26#39;s a little speciality chocolate shop that is in Paris as well as New York - I found it accidentally and LOVE the chocolate (expensive!!!). Enjoy.


I have one that seems not as well known by chocolate fanatics of TA! Chocolaterie de Puyricard. Two locations in Paris:

- 27, avenue Rapp 75007 Paris

- 106, rue du Cherche-Midi 75006 Paris

From the website

%26quot;From Brussels to Léopoldville, from Kinshasa to Aix en Provence, a Belgian couple travel as missionaries of chocolate. Without cocoa, there can be no salvation. Today they have become the kings of their specialities, and their delectable delicacies have taken over the South of France!%26quot;

Salty Caramel, a must...


How am I NOT going to gain 8000 lbs on my next visit?? I know - walk, walk, walk. Wine - red wine, that%26#39;s the trick.

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