Friday, March 23, 2012

RE: Green Space In Paris

Hi, wondering if anyone could advise of nice open space or park where we could have an informal kick about (football game) near Le Mercure hotel, La Defense, Paris?

Many Thanks


well, I used and overlaid the satellite view and it %26quot;seems%26quot; like there is a park with a soccer (or ?) field nearby:;source=s_q%26amp;hl=en%26amp;geocode=%26amp;q=la+defense,+paris,+france%26amp;sll=37.0625,-95.677068%26amp;sspn=37.188995,51.064453%26amp;ie=UTF8%26amp;ll=48.891584,2.22147%26amp;spn=0.007548,0.012467%26amp;t=h%26amp;z=16%26amp;iwloc=A

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