Sunday, April 15, 2012

Where to buy necessities/eat near Prince de Galles hotel?

We normally stop in a small market or pharmacy for things like extra soda and a few snacks. Is there any place reasonable near the PDG?

Also, any less $$$ places to eat lunch/breakfast nearby?


Copy and paste this link into your browser, it will show you on a map all the small grocery stores around 33 avenue George V.

In France don%26#39;t count on buying soda in a pharmacy, they dispense medecine and personal care products exclusively.;jsessionid=E8C66D26C808C828D0DF1A1C604F7E09.yas02f?idContext=635430818%26amp;portail=MAPPY

Stop in any cafe for breakfast and have cafe au lait et croissants, or tartines beurees. For lunch the same cafes serve small fare (Croque Monsieur, jambon beurre, saucisson beurre,...) or even have restaurant style menus with plat du jour when they are %26quot;cafe-restaurants%26quot;.

Explore and enjoy!


Is there an english version of the web page?


Not that I can see. But if you look at the map you will see the circle which is the hotel and the numbered lollypops are the smal;l shops with the addresses, so pretty cut and dry.

Furthermore, as you walk in the neighborhood or in Paris, you will find the small %26quot;epiceries%26quot; very easily.


There is Monoprix on Champs Elysees. Go and stock up.

Nothing on Georges V.

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