Sunday, April 15, 2012

Paris - Barcelona train: info needed re accomodation

I%26#39;ve booked a second class cabin for two people (according to the SNCF website), but when I look for it everywhere else, all I can find is 4-people second class, and 2-people first class. Even the seat61 site has a distribution plan that shows no second class for two. Is SNCF misleading me?

(I%26#39;m travelling with my 13 y.o. niece, and I don%26#39;t want to have a shared compartment.) Thanks a lot!


I think you will have to change your reservation to 1st class. The 2 person cabin is considered first class, and the 4 person couchette is second class. You may indeed be bunked with 2 other strangers in your cabin with your reservation as is. You should contact SNCF as soon as you can to straighten it out.



I tried to make a reservation for the night train (Elipsos) From Paris to Barcelona 2nd class. As soon as I chose %26quot;Cabine T2 (two beds%26quot;), %26quot;1e classe%26quot; appears with an exclamation mark next to the train number and the price changed from 88.00 € to 258.00 € (for one passenger).

What was your price for one passenger? Closer to 88 or 258?

Can you find additional information in the confirmation e-mail that you received? If you can find the reservation code, I%26#39;m sure that the exact information regarding your order can be restored using the SNCF site.


I have two bookings, one for second class and the other one for first class. The second class one costs € 292 for both of us, and the first class € 336 (again, for both), so the price difference is not much of an indication, since first class service includes breakfast.

Both my reservation emails say I have two seats (different coach and seat numbers, of course), but nothing else.

I have to pay one of them before July 3rd, that%26#39;s why I%26#39;m looking for some info before taking a decision...

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